NIOS Class 12th Question Papers
Group-A Subjects
Group-B Subjects
Group-C Subjects
Library and Information Science (339)
Group-D Subjects
Group-E Subjects
Group-F Subjects
Physical Education and Yog (373)
Indian Knowledge Tradition
Vocational Courses
Computer Hardware Assembly and Maintenance
Entrepreneurship for Handloom Weavers
Water Management for Crop Production
Oyster Mushroom Production Technology
Cutting Tailoring & Dress Making
Preservation of Fruit and Vegetables
Dress Designing [Knitting Skills]
Refrigeration And Airconditioning
Early Childhood Care and Education
Computer and Office Applications
General Care and Specific Needs of Elderly
Construction Supervision [Civil]
Medical Imaging and Technology
Computer Application in Office
Soil and Fertilizer Management
Yoga Teachers Training Programme
Fire Prevention and Industrial Safety
Emerging Issues in Health Care
It has been observed through the years that 80% question papers are set with the past ten years papers only. So if a student solves and practices all the NIOS Class 12th Question Papers he has a very good chance of scoring high on boards. Boards are the crucial times in the lives of teenagers and it requires a lot of hard work.
Government of India is taking great number of measures every year to improve the quality of education provided by them. Its results are reflected in the NIOS Class 12th Question Papers each year. If a student goes through all the question papers provided by this website then he/she can judge the level of question paper and the pattern in which questions are asked. One needs to be very serious while preparing for boards as nobody has idea from which corner of the book the question will be asked in the board examination.
Through these NIOS Class 12th Question Papers students can even predict the questions which will most probably be there in paper. The expected questions can be thoroughly prepared.
NIOS Class 12th Question Papers PDF download links are provided and the plus of getting them from is that they are free of cost. Moreover, they require very little space. All they require is just a corner in mobile phone or laptop of the user. By this, they save a lot of trees from being cut which makes this environment friendly too.
Every year one or two tricky questions are asked. By going through the NIOS class 12th Previous Year Papers gives them the idea about that too. The level of the examination can be predicted by going through them. Sometimes the paper comes easy and other times it is a bit difficult one. Solving NIOS class 12th question papers gives the idea about both types. Moreover, these questions papers are of the previous ten years. That means it contains ample of questions for practice.
Students get to know about the marks allotment for each section, weightage of each chapter, and pattern of the NIOS class 12th question paper. Along with all these students come to know about the internal choices given for each question. This makes the preparation for the final board exams a bit easy. When they know the question paper thoroughly then they can make accurate strategies for the revision of exams.
Sometimes questions get too tricky and puzzle the mind of the students. When students are not able to solve a question they choose to stick to it and ponder over it rather than moving to the next question. This results in wasting their precious time. So to help young minds with such hurdles NIOS Class 12th Solved Question Papers are available in the links provided through the means of this website. By going through them and practicing regularly students can cover large number of topics as it gives them the idea to solve the final question papers too. NIOS Class 12th Solved Question Papers are to save the time of students and to bring ease to them in the situation when boards are just around the corner. Answers given in these NIOS class 12th question papers are accurate and in the to the point format. Solutions are even backed by the necessary diagrams, tables, and charts which enhance the degree of precision of them.
Every perfect answer consists of a specific combination of words which the examiner looks for while checking the answer sheets. These words help students score more in their boards. The given answers are made while keeping that in mind. NIOS class 12th Previous Year Papers are of utmost help to the students appearing for boards. It helps to clear the mind of the students by telling about the manner in which the questions will be asked.
These papers are available for subjects of all three streams i.e. Science, Arts, and Commerce. Question papers are in the English and Hindi languages which makes them readable for every student who will be appearing for boards.