MAP IT Recruitment 2020: DeGM/Senior Trainer Vacancies in MAP IT


MAP IT DeGM/Senior Trainer Vacancies 2020: Madhya Pradesh Agency for Promotion of Information Technology (Map-IT), Bhopal has invited online application for the recruitment of Senior Trainer, District E-Governance Manager (DeGM), and Other Positions 2020. Interested candidates can apply online and offline before 20th April 2020.

MAP IT DeGM/Senior Trainer Vacancies 2020:

1. District E-Governance Manager (DeGM): 10 Vacancies
Qualification: Candidates should have a degree in Computer Science or BE or BTech in IT or MSc or MCA or DOEACC Society B Level passed from a recognized University.
Age Limit: The maximum age of the candidates should be 35 years. However, the maximum age of general candidates of the state of Madhya Pradesh can be 40 years and the maximum age of reserved categories and women candidates can be up to 45 years.

2. Senior Trainer (Lead Trainer): 11 Vacancies
Qualification: Candidates should have a degree in Computer Science or BE or BTech in IT or MSc or MCA or DOEACC Society B Level passed from a recognized University.
Age Limit: The maximum age of the candidates should be 35 years. However, the maximum age of general candidates of the state of Madhya Pradesh can be 40 years and the maximum age of reserved categories and women candidates can be up to 45 years.

3. Trainer: 08 Vacancies
Qualification: Candidates should have a degree in Computer Science or BE or BTech in IT or MSc or MCA or DOEACC Society B Level passed from a recognized University.
Age Limit: The maximum age of the candidates should be 35 years. However, the maximum age of general candidates of the state of Madhya Pradesh can be 40 years and the maximum age of reserved categories and women candidates can be up to 45 years.

4. Assistant E-Governance Manager (DeGM): 137 Vacancies
Qualification: Candidates should have a degree in Computer Science or BE or BTech in IT or MSc or MCA or DOEACC Society B Level passed from a recognized University.
Age Limit: The maximum age of the candidates should be 35 years. However, the maximum age of general candidates of the state of Madhya Pradesh can be 40 years and the maximum age of reserved categories and women candidates can be up to 45 years.

Selection Process: The candidates will be recommended to the society of different districts according to the merit list made on the basis of the score obtained in the GATE exam. After the counseling of the candidates will be done. After counseling, candidates will be posted in the respective districts on the merit-cum-choice basis.

Last Date: 20th April 2020

How to Apply: Interested candidates can apply online at Madhya Pradesh Agency for Promotion of Information Technology (Map-IT) official website before 20th April 2020.

For more about MAP IT DeGM/Senior Trainer Vacancies 2020: Visit Here