FRI Recruitment 2020: JPF/ SRF/ Field Assistant Posts Walkin On 09/12/13 Oct 2020

FRI JPF/ SRF/ Field Assistant Recruitment 2020: Forest Research Institute (FRI), Dehradun has invited online applications for the recruitment of Junior Project Fellow, Senior Research Fellow and Other Positions 2020. Interested candidates can appear for walk-in-interview to be held on 09th, 12th and 13th October 2020.

FRI JPF/ SRF/ Field Assistant Recruitment 2020:

1. Junior Project Fellow (JPF): 06 Vacancies
Qualification: First Class M.Sc in Botany/Forestry/Environment Management/Environment Science.

2. Senior Research Fellow (SRF): 01 Vacancy
Qualification: First Class M.Sc. in Botany/Biodiversity and conservation with 02 years of research experience.

3. Project Assistant: 01 Vacancy
Qualification: Graduate in Science with Botany as one of the subject. or B.Sc. Forestry/B.Sc. Agriculture.

4. Field Assistant: 01 Vacancy
Qualification: Intermediate with science.

Date of Interview: 09th, 12th and 13th October 2020

How to Apply: Interested candidates can appear for walk-in-interview to be schedule on 09th, 12th and 13th October 2020. Walk-in-interview for the vacancy of Senior Research Fellow (SRF)/Senior Project Fellow (SPF), Junior Research Fellow (JRF)/Junior Project Fellows (JPF), Project Assistant (PA) and Field Assistant (FA) as per detail given below purely on temporary basis will be held on 09 October, 12 October and 13 October 2020 at 09:00 am in the Board Room of FRI Main Building, P.O. New Forest, Forest Research Institute, Dehradun-24S006. The interested persons must bring the photocopy of resume along with recent passport size photograph, self attested photocopies of all educational certificates and relevant documents for submission to the office of Group Coordinator (Research), P.O. New Forest, FRI, Dehradun.

For more about FRI JPF/ SRF/ Field Assistant Recruitment 2020: Visit Here