TMC Visakhapatnam Recruitment 2021: Senior Resident Posts Vacancies -28 Feb 2021

TMC Visakhapatnam Senior Resident Recruitment 2021: Tata Memorial Centre (TMC), Visakhapatnam has invited online applications for the recruitment of Senior Resident in Pathology, Nuclear Medicine and Other Positions 2021. Interested candidates can apply through the online and offline mode before 28th February 2021. (Adv.No.26/2021)

TMC Visakhapatnam Senior Resident Recruitment 2021:

1. Senior Resident Pathology: 01 Vacancy
Qualification: MD (Pathology) or equivalent postgraduate degree recognized by MCI.

2. Senior Resident Anaesthesiology: 01 Vacancy
Qualification: M.D/D.N.B (Anesthesia) or equivalent PG degree recognized by MCI. Or Diploma in Anesthesia.

3. Senior Resident Nuclear Medicine: 02 Vacancies
Qualification: M.D/D.N.B (Nuclear Medicine ) or equivalent PG degree recognized by MCI.

Last Date: 28th February 2021

How to Apply: Interested candidates can apply online in the prescribed form and once applied online, the candidates are required to download the submitted application and send to along with the relevant supporting documents pertaining to candidate’s education and experience.

For more about TMC Visakhapatnam Senior Resident Recruitment 2021: Visit Here