Reasoning Question Papers
06-March-2020 (Shift-1)
Q1. Select the figure that can replace the question mark (?) in the following series.
Q2. Select the option in which the given figure is embedded (rotation is not allowed).
Q3. Which two signs should be interchanged to make the given equation correct?
12 + 81 – 27 x 9 ÷ 3 = 36
a. ÷ and x
b. + and x
c. – and ÷
d. x and –
Correct Answer: – and ÷
Q4. Select the number that can replace the question mark in the following series.
5, 10, 26, ?, 122, 170
a. 77
b. 82
c. 50
d. 65
Correct Answer: 50
Q5. Select the option that depicts how the given transparent sheet of paper would appear if it is folded at the dotted line.
Q6. Study the given pattern carefully and select the number that can replace the question marks in it.
a. 95
b. 133
c. 117
d. 77
Correct Answer: 77
Q7. Four words have been given, out of which three are alike in some manner and one is different. Select the odd word.
a. Xylophone
b. Saxophone
c. Clarient
d. Trumpet
Correct Answer: Xylophone
Q8. Study the given pattern carefully and select the number that can replace the question marks in it.
a. 92
b. 98
c. 82
d. 88
Correct Answer: 88
Q9. Select the option in which the words share the same relationship as that shared by the given pair of words.
North : South
a. Integrity : Honesty
b. Ductile : Bendable
c. Whole : Total
d. Frown : Smile
Correct Answer: Frown : Smile
Q10. In the given Venn diagram the ‘rectangle’ represents ‘travellers who like to travel by plance’, the ‘circle’ represents ‘travellers who like to travel by bus’, and the ‘triangle’ ‘ represents travellers who like to travel by train’. The numbers given in the given in the diagram represent the number of travellers in that particular cateogory.
How many travellers like to travel either by train or plane but NOT by bus?
a. 30
b. 27
c. 29
d. 16
Correct Answer: 30
Q11. Select the number that can replace the question mark in the following series.
62, 66, 74, 90, ?
a. 106
b. 116
c. 122
d. 120
Correct Answer: 122
Q12. Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. Assuming that the information given in the statements is true, even if it appears to be at variance with commonly known facts, decide which of the given conclusions logically follow from the statements.
1. Some machines are kites.
2. No machine is a pigeon.
I. Some machines are pigeons
II. All kites are pigeons.
III. Some kites are not pigeons.
a. Only Conclusions II follows.
b. Only conclusion III follows.
c. Only conclusion I and II follows.
d. Only conclusion I and III follows.
Correct Answer: Only conclusion III follows
Q13. ‘Astronomy’ is related to ‘Stars’ in the same way as ‘Agronomy’ is related to ‘______________________’
a. Emotions
b. Plants
c. Mines
d. Crops
Correct Answer: Crops
Q14. Four letter -cluster have been given, out of which three are alike in some manner and one is different. Select the odd letter – cluster
a. GCV
b. BJT
c. DDP
d. FBL
Correct Answer: GCV
Q15. How many triangles are there in the given figure?
a. 16
b. 22
c. 25
d. 28
Correct Answer: 25
Q16. Select the letter-cluster that can replace the question mark in the following series.
a. GNZ
b. GMS
c. GMZ
d. GNS
Correct Answer: GMS
Q17. A + B means ‘A is the husband of B’;
A – B means ‘B is the sister of A’;
A x B means ‘A is the mother of B’;
A ÷ B means ‘B is the son of A’.
If, P + R x T – Q ÷ S + U, then how is P related to S?
a. Father in Law
b. Paternal Grandfather
c. Maternal Grandfather
d. Uncle
Correct Answer: Maternal Grandfather
Q18. In a certain code language, ‘DKQX’ is written as ‘WPJC’. How will ‘AFKP’ be written as in that language?
Correct Answer: ZUPK
Q19. Three different positions of the same dice are shown. Select the symbol that will be on the face opposite to the one showing ‘+’.
a. *
b. $
c. @
d. #
Correct Answer: @
Q20. In a certain code language, ‘PAGE’ is coded as ‘161495’. How will ‘PART’ be coded as in that language?
a. 16132420
b. 16125020
c. 16128620
d. 16136220
Correct Answer: 16132420
Q21. Select the letter that can replace the question mark in the following series.
A, E, I, ?. Q, U
a. N
b. K
c. M
d. O
Correct Answer: M
Q22. Four number-pairs have been given, out of which three are alike in some manner and one is different. Select the number-pair that is different from the rest.
a. 17 : 289
b. 13 : 169
c. 11 : 121
d. 15 : 250
Correct Answer: 15 : 250
Q23. Arrange the following words in a logical and meaningful order.
a. 4-3-5-1-2
b. 2-3-5-1-4
c. 3-5-1-4-2
d. 3-5-1-2-4
Correct Answer: 3-5-1-2-4
Q24. Select the correct mirror image of the given figure when a mirror is placed on the right of the figure.
Q25. In a certain group of men and horses, the total number of legs is 14 more than twice the number of heads. How many horses are therein the group?
a. 5
b. 7
c. 9
d. 11
Correct Answer: 7