GPSC MVI Provisional Result 2021: Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC), Ahmedabad has recently released the Provisional Result for Inspector of Motor Vehicle, Class-Inspector of Motor Vehicle, Class-2, Ports and Transport Department Class-2 Ports and Transport Department2 Post against Avt. No. 128/2019-20. All those candidates who have applied for Inspector of Motor Vehicle, Class-2 post can check the List of Shortlisted candidates available on the official website.
Gujarat Public Service Commission has uploaded the PDF of the provisional result i.e. List of Eligible Candidates for Application Scrutiny for the post of Inspector of Motor Vehicle, Class-2. All such candidates applied for the Inspector of Motor Vehicle, Class-2, Ports and Transport Department Class-2Ports and Transport Department against Advt. No. 128/2019-20 can check the list of eligible candidates on its official website.
Steps to download GPSC MVI Provisional Result 2021:
– Visit the official website.
– Visit to the News & Events List section available on the Home Page.
– Click on the link Inspector of Motor Vehicle, Class-2, Ports and Transport Department Class-2Ports and Transport Department on the Home Page.
– You will get the PDF of the desired Provisional Result on your screen.
To download GPSC MVI Provisional Result 2021: Visit Here