BPSC Result 2021: APO Prelims Cut Off Marks @bpsc.bih.nic.in

BPSC APO Prelims Cut Off Marks 2021: Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC), Patna has recently released the Answer Key and result on 27 April 2021, the BPSC has just uploaded the clarification regarding cut off marks in result for recruitment to the post of Assistant Prosecution Officer against the Advt.No. 01/2020. The candidates can now check the cut-off marks through its official website.

The BPSC had conducted the BPSC APO Prelims Exam on 07th February 2021 at various exam centre in the state. According to the prelims result, A total of 3995 qualified to appear for the mains exam. The exam date for the mains will be intimated to the candidates in due course of the time. The candidate must have qualified in the exam as per the cut-off. Those who have not obtained the minimum marks are not included in the merit list.


Category Total Marks – 246
(Minimum Marks)
UR (Male) 40%  – 98.400
SC (Male) 36.5% – 89.790
EBC (Male) 34%- 83.640
SC/ST/PWD/Female 32%- 78.720


To download BPSC APO Prelims Cut Off Marks 2021: Visit Here www.bpsc.bih.nic.in