NLC GET Result 2021: Graduate Executive Trainee Merit List & Cut Off Marks

NLC GET Graduate Executive Trainee Merit List 2021: NLC India Limited, Chennai has released the result of the Graduate Executive Trainee. All such candidates who appeared in the interview round for NLC Graduate Executive Trainee against the advertisement number 02/2020 can download their merit list and cut off marks through its official website.

The personal interviews were conducted between 10 March and 29 March 2021. Now, the list of provisionally selected candidates have been uploaded at the official website for appointment to the post of Graduate Executive Trainee (E-2 Grade) in NLC India Limited, based on the notified selection criteria.

The candidates can check the selection list by following the easy steps given below. The selection of the candidates is provisional. Offer of appointment to the post of Graduate Executive Trainee in NLCIL will be issued subject to their attending Medical Exam at Industrial Medical Centre, NLCIL General Hospital, Neyveli on the appointed date and time to be communicated to the individuals separately through their registered email and SMS to their registered mobile and they being medically found fit.

Steps to download NLC GET Graduate Executive Trainee Merit List 2021:

– Visit the official website.
– Click on Current Openings.
– Scroll down to the (Advt. No.02/2020) Recruitment of Graduate Executive Trainees (GETs) in Various Disciplines.
– Then, click on result of selection.
– Then, NLC GET Result 2021 will be displayed.

To download NLC GET Graduate Executive Trainee Merit List 2021: Visit Here